Monday, September 20, 2010

10 symptoms you should not ignore

We all are aware of the phrase “Prevention is better than cure”, but how often do we follow this in our day-to-day life? If you met an accident and were bleeding heavily, you would rush to the hospital for medical care, but what do you do when you experience a symptom that don’t seem to be fatal?

You can avoid doctor for short period symptoms like stomach upset or twist in the muscle, but what about life threatening ones. So, here are some of the symptoms you should not ignore whose prevention at initial stages could save you from the menace of fatal diseases.

Unexplained weight loss:
Losing weight by following suitable diet and exercises is a dream come true for most of us, but loosing it gradually without any explained reason need special attention.

There are various reasons of unintentional weight loss, few among such includes problems with endocrine system, gastrointestinal disorder, psychiatric conditions, neurological dysfunction and anorexia nervosa. Nutritional deficiencies, infections and tumors can also be a part of unexplained weight loss.

Also, conditions such as depression, diabetes, malnutrition, hyperthyroidism and tuberculosis may play a vital role in unexplained weight loss.

Persistent or high fever:
Rise in body temperature is known as fever, 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit is considered as a normal body temperature. The rise in body temperature indicates the production of white blood cells by our blood and lymphatic system which fight against the foreign bodies that has invaded our body.

Temperature of 100 to 101 degrees Fahrenheit is considered good for the human body as it shows that body is fighting actively against the germs. However, high fevers of 104 and 105 degrees Fahrenheit should never be ignored as it can damage the nervous system.

Fever can be caused by infections due to pneumonia, tuberculosis and meningitis, inflammations such as leukemia and arthritis, and also due to respiratory infections such as common colds and bronchitis. 

Shortness of breath:
Shortness of breath or dyspnea is a serious medical condition where patient experience difficulty in breathing. Some of the common signs of breathlessness include breathing fast, breathing through pursed lips as in asthma, unable to speak, sitting with hands on knees, and using neck and chest muscles to breathe. 

Causes of breathing difficulty may include hyperventilation syndrome, asthma, and collection of air or gas in lungs (pneumothorax), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as well as other heart and lung problems.

Unexplained changes in bowel habits:
A change in bowel habits includes constant change in bowel frequency, color, consistency, or shape of stools. A bowel frequency of three times a day to three times a week is considered normal for a healthy individual.

However, if you find any deviations such as three watery stools per day as in diarrhea or three movements a week as in constipation, foul odor black stool, blood in the stool as in hemorrhoids or pale colored stools, please visit your doctor to avoid complications like colon cancer or irritable bowel syndrome.

Delirium is a syndrome where a person lacks the ability to focus attention, develops mental confusion and show immediate or sudden behavioral changes. The hallmark of delirium is fluctuating level of consciousness.

Most common cause of delirium is metabolic disorders termed ‘metabolic encephalopathy’ which may result from liver or kidney failures. Other metabolic causes include diabetes mellitus, overproduction of thyroid hormones (hyperthyroidism), hypothyroidism, vitamin deficiencies, and imbalances of fluids and electrolytes in the blood.

Sudden severe headache:
Headache is a common phenomenon for those dealing with heavy work load or undergoing a stressful situation. Normal headaches are not a concern however sudden severe headache seek prompt medical attention. They range from a relatively harmless common headache to life-threatening situations like meningitis or brain tumor. 

Headaches are believed to be the result of an electrical and chemical imbalance at centers in the brain that regulate blood vessels around the head and neck. Headache may be caused by a wide variety of factors including reaction to certain foods, hormonal imbalances, genetic predisposition, noise and glare.

Sudden weakness, loss of vision or speech:
Symptoms like sudden weakness, loss of vision or speech could be felt if there is a sudden drop of blood pressure or you are dehydrated from vomiting, diarrhea and fever, this phenomenon is usually known as light-headedness.

Abnormal heart rhythm or heart attack and stroke are some of the serious results of sudden weakness, loss of vision or speech which requires immediate medical care.
Flashes of light:
Eye flashes or flashing lights occurs when the vitreous gel in the eye rubs or pulls on the retina. You may see lightning streaks or flashing lights in the vision. See your doctor immediately if you experience these symptoms:

  • You see flashes of light after you’ve been hit on the head or hit in the eye and they don’t go away within few seconds.
  • You see flashes of light off and on for more than 20 minutes.
  • You see a large number of previously unnoticed spots in your vision.

Feeling full after eating very little:
Sometimes you may develop a feeling that you eat full stomach though you eat very little, if this happens then it clearly indicates towards digestive abnormalities and dealing with it requires special medical attention.

Symptoms of digestive abnormalities include nausea, vomiting, bloating, fever and unexplained weight loss or gain.

Hot, red or swollen joint:
Swollen joints or joint effusion is caused by accumulation of fluids around the joints which leads to stiffness, discomfort and outright pain. Most common cause of joint swelling is arthritis. It occurs when cartilage around a joint breaks down and results in bones rubbing with each other causing ultimate pain.

Joint swelling may also be caused due to acute or chronic factors. Osteoarthritis and bursitis are some of the serious results of joint effusion.

Manage Your Weight with Fruits and Vegetables

“An apple a day keeps doctor away” is perhaps one of the best proverbs to describe the importance of fruits and vegetables in our diet. A balanced diet helps us in maintaining good health and helps prevent the onset of some serious diseases. Eating well need not be expensive or complicated.

Fruits and veggies matter:

There is a common notion that meat is the best source of proteins and minerals as it tastes good to mouth. But you should never forget that along with proteins and minerals, it gives way to fats which could be deadly as far as your body weight is concerned.

Fruits and vegetables on the other hand do not taste as good as meat but are nutritional powerhouses. They are packed with beneficial fibers, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins like vitamin A (retinol – obtained from carrots), vitamin C (ascorbic acid – obtained from citrus/lemon) and vitamin k (phylloquinone – obtained from green leafy vegetables) and minerals such as magnesium, zinc, phosphorous and folic acids, which matter most for healthy living.  

The life savers:

Fruits and vegetables can be tagged as life savers since they can significantly reduce the risk of many chronic conditions such as heart disease and some cancers including bowel cancer. A good example can be folic acid obtained from fruits and vegetables that reduces blood levels of homocysteine, a substance that may be a risk factor for coronary heart disease.

Other health benefits attributed to eating fruits and vegetables are reducing the symptoms of asthma, improving bowel functions and delaying the development of cataracts (clouding that develops in the crystalline lens of eye).

Usage of fruits and vegetables to manage your weight:

Eating fruits and vegetables can help achieve dietary goals including vitamin and fiber intake, reducing fat intake and helping to maintain a healthy weight. To lose weight, you must have a low calorie diet which is best obtained from fruits and vegetables.

The average calorie content to be consumed per day for a healthy living is around 1200 to 1600 calories. If you still feel hungry, you can add up 100 or 200 calories and likewise you can cut short up to 200 calories if you feel your tummy is full. But make sure that an intake of 1000 calories per day is must.

Eat breakfast, and eat smaller meals throughout the day. A healthy breakfast can jumpstart your metabolism, and eating small, healthy meals throughout the day keeps your energy up and your metabolism going.

Here is an example of a diet of 1000-1200 calories along with some of the low-calorie fruits and vegetables:

Powerful breakfast (Calories)
Moderate lunch
Mild dinner
Spinach (12)
Cooked broccoli (2)
Asparagus (22)
Raw onion (27)
Broccoli (12)
Green beans (18)
Banana (95)
Carrot (35)
Broccoli (2)
Apple (81)
Beans (100)
Spinach (12)
Tomato soup (102)
Lettuce (10)
1 cup grapes (58)
Cereals (200)
Tomato (24)
Apple (81)

General thumb rule is to eat five kinds of vegetables and two kinds of fruits every day for good health.

Choosing the right combo:

Any fruits and vegetables are better than no fruits and vegetables. Selecting the right combination of fruits and vegetables to complete a perfect diet is a mighty task.

Some of the common types of fruits that are readily available include:

Orange (65 calories)
grapes (58 calories)
bananas (95 calories)
strawberries (45 calories)
watermelon (50 calories)
apple (81 calories)

Some of the common types of vegetables that are readily available include:

Lettuce (10 calories)
spinach (12 calories)
cabbage (16 calories)
cauliflower (30 calories)
broccoli (2 calories)
asparagus (22 calories)
onion (27 calories)

Fruits and vegetables as part of your diet:

Fruits in the form of whole fruit are better than drinks and juices as it loses fiber content when churned or mixed. Fruit salad without cream is also one of the most preferred healthy diet and a good form of consuming fruit.  

Vegetables are often cooked, although some kinds of vegetables are eaten raw. Cooked vegetables are deprived of some minerals during the process of cooking and also add up the calories from the cooking ingredients like condiments, oil, spices etc. So, it is preferable to consume nicely washed raw vegetables over cooked ones. Also, including vegetable salad in your diet is one of the best options to lose weight, as it contains all the nutrients and is also a rich calorie diet.

Canned or frozen fruits and vegetables are good choice in the cold weather conditions or in absence of fresh products, however caution must be taken on consuming products containing added sugars, preservatives, syrups, sauces, creams and other ingredients that add calories.

Types of fruits and veggies to be avoided:

Some of the fruits and vegetables that should be avoided to help lose weight include coconut (rich in oil content), vegetables with creamy sauces, fried or breaded vegetables, canned fruit packed in heavy syrup and dried fruit (all the water removed & all the sugar retained) which is perhaps a good source of fiber but can be high in calories due to retained sugar.

Above all avoid “diet thinking”. There are no good foods or bad foods, all foods can be part of healthy eating, when eaten in moderation.

Believe it or not, but it is YOU who is more important than your weight or body size. Your health and happiness can be hurt by drastic weight loss plans. Instead of trying extreme approaches, focus on making small lifestyle changes that you can stick with for life. This approach will leave you feeling healthier and happier in the long run.
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